This graph shows the average maximum temperature (red) and minimum temperature (blue) for Triund.
Triund has a tropical monsoon climate. You have high temperatures and a lot of rainfall throughout the year. The average annual temperature for Triund is 29° degrees and there is about 413 mm of rain in a year. It is dry for 238 days a year with an average humidity of 41% and an UV-index of 6.
Maximum temperature: | between 12°C and 28°C |
Warmest month: | 28°C in June |
Coldest month: | 8°C in January |
Night temperature: | between 7°C and 12°C |
Dry days: | 269 days |
Days with rain: | 96 days |
Days with snow: | 0 days |
Total rain sum: | 414 mm |
Hours of sunshine: | 3550 hours |
This graph shows the average amount of rainfall per month for Triund.
In this climate table you can see at a glance what the average weather per month is for Triund. The data has been collected over a 30-year period, from which an average per month has been derived. From year to year the differences may be larger or smaller, but with this climate table you have a good idea of what the weather for Triund might be like in a given month.
10 Years Experience
Specialized in Camping & Trekking
Dharamkot Road
Near Gandhi's Paradise
700 Meters from Main Square
Mcleodganj, Himachal Pradesh
Trekking to Triund in January can be a thrilling but challenging adventure due to winter conditions. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Trekking to Triund in January can be a unique and breathtaking experience, but it requires careful planning, appropriate gear, and a focus on safety. If you're an experienced trekker and well-prepared for winter conditions, it can be a memorable adventure. Always prioritize safety and consult with local authorities or experienced guides for the latest information.
Weather conditions on Triund Trek are very cool even in January, with nights dropping below freezing. The trail is covered in thick snow, making the hike a little more challenging at this time of year.
The terrain is still slippery, so hikers need to be extra focused to maintain balance and footing while hiking. The hike may end in January if the weather or hiking conditions deteriorate.
Note that his Triund Trek in January is only recommended for intermediate and experienced trekkers. Because at the moment the trail is not so easy and trekkers have to put in extra effort that can be exhausting and tiring. Many tourists do not visit this place in January, so trekking during this time remains very calm and peaceful. So it goes without saying that trekkers who choose his Triund Trek at this time of year can enjoy the experience of a lifetime surrounded by nature, with a beautiful snowy trek all to themselves.
Food and accommodation availability in JanuaryJanuary is considered off-season for his Triund Trek, so there are very few meals and accommodations available in the area at this time of year. Most of the tea huts and small dhaba on the trek remain closed during this time.
Even if you are lucky enough to find a coffee shop that sells snacks, the prices of groceries can be very high. Hikers are therefore advised to carry enough dry snacks and enough water for the trek.Forest Guest House may be closed during January. Hikers also don't find many camping options in Triund at this time of year.Hikers will therefore have to make their own camping arrangements, so it's advisable to bring your own tent.
January Triund Trek TipsHiring a professional guide and using his trekking poles is essential for the snowy Triund Trek in January. Trekkers should drop unnecessary items and keep their backpacks light. This is because walking on snow with a very heavy load on your shoulders can be too tiring.
Shoes must be kept dry as walking down hills with wet feet is uncomfortable and difficult.
Triund is one of the easiest treks in Himachal Pradesh. It’s only 9 km from the city center in McLeodganj, and you can reach the top within 3-4 hours. Instead of telling you just about Triund temperature today, let us give you an idea about Triund weather weather throughout the year. It would help you plan much better. Triund Trek in January
The weather in January is cold, but bearable. Clear views of the Dhauladhar make up for the effort. Temperature range 10 degree celsius to 1 degree celsius.
Though February is a cold month to plan a visit, the temperature starts rising, making the overall weather pleasant. Temperature range 12 degree celsius to 5 degree celsius.
In March, the snow starts melting to give you amazing views of the Dhauladhar range. It’s one of the best months to visit Triund. Temperature range 18 degree celsius to 8 degree celsius.
With no rain and pleasant weather, visit Triund in the month of April to be mesmerized by its beauty. Temperature range 20 degree celsius to 12 degree celsius.
Though the weather’s pleasant in the month of May, you can be troubled by some unexpected showers in the second half. Temperature range 26 degree celsius to 13 degree celsius.
In the month of June, monsoon hits the hill station, making the roads slippery and muddy. During this month, the weather can be unpredictable. Temperature range 24 degree celsius to 14 degree celsius.
During July, the monsoon comes with full force. This may cause some challenges on the trek. However, at the same time, you can catch views of the lush valleys. Temperature range 19 degree celsius to 14 degree celsius.
August can be pretty crowded, and monsoon subsides, giving way to pleasant weather. Temperature range 22 degree celsius to 14 degree celsius.
September is considered to be one of the best months to plan a Triund trek. The weather is pleasant and you can catch clear views of the Dhauladhar range. Temperature range 23 degree celsius to 15 degree celsius.
Most trekkers believe that October is the best month to visit Triund. The weather is pleasant and you don’t need to worry about rains. Temperature range 22 degree celsius to 11 degree celsius.
November is also a good month to plan a visit. However, the second half of the month can be quite cold. Temperature range 16 degree celsius to 5 degree celsius.
In December, the weather in Triund allows an awesome trek, but with extremely cold weather. Temperature range 12 degree celsius to 5 degree celsius.
If you want to enjoy the Triund trek and ensure that you don’t experience any issues, you should checkout weather conditions in advance. Still wonder what’s Triund temperature today? For information about Triund temperature today, safety precautions and more.