The world's longest glass U-shaped bridge at Fuxi Mountain, Henan. (Image: Getty Images)The world's longest glass bridge at Hongyagu, Hebei. The 488-meter-long bridge is four meters wide and hangs nearly 218 meters above the valley floor. If that's not enough - suspension cables make it sway. (Image: Getty Images)The world's highest glass-bottomed bridge at 300 meters is another attraction waiting for thrill seekers in Zhangjiajie, Hunan. (Image: Getty Images)Coiling Dragon Cliff Walk - one of the many terrifying treats of Tianmen Mountain, Hunan. It's 1,500 meters of 6.35 centimeter thick glass that crowns the mountain top. (Image: Getty Images)World's Most Dangerous Hiking Trail on Mount Huashan. The paths are cut into a 2,090 meter-high rock and rusting metal bars serve…
Welcome Quote-- START FROM YOGA, STOP AT SAMA (peace) An Awarded Yoga Instructor in India Welcome Line--- Yoga is well known to implant physical benefits, but Yoga is much more than that. The nature of yoga is to brighten the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body. It heals your body from the ongoing mental chaos taking your body and mind away from fires. DIVE IN THE WORLD OF HEALTH and MINDFULNESS Yoga is a dance between Control and Surrender. As Sky Yoga Planet, we aim to amalgamate health-fitness and mindfulness. We managed to do so by being influenced by so many Great Sages from our transcended tradition, modern practitioners, as well as thinkers, most… by day, creator by night. ✨ Turning vibes into reality Living for the moments that take your breath away. 🌿 Wander often, wonder always.