Yala Peak Trek in Nepal

Yala Peak Trek in Nepal

Nepal Trekking Package

Hostel stay in Mcleodganj @400


10 Years Experience

Specialized in Camping & Trekking

Nepal Trekking Package

Ladakh Himachal Pradesh

Yala Peak Trek in Nepal: Everything you need to know

Yala Peak: An introduction

Yala Peak is one of the most popular trekking destinations in Nepal. Situated at an altitude of 5,416 meters, it offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, including Mount Everest. The peak is accessible all year round and is a great option for both experienced and novice trekkers.

There are a number of different routes to the summit, but the most popular option starts from the village of Langtang. From here, it takes around four days to reach the top, with overnight stops at Kyanjin Gompa and Naya Pul. The trail then follows a ridge to the summit, passing through some beautiful alpine scenery.

While Yala Peak is not a technical climb, it does require a good level of fitness. However, anyone who is used to hiking or walking will be able to reach the top with relative ease. And, as mentioned before, the views from the summit are simply incredible!

Why is Yala Peak so popular

Yala Peak is one of the most popular peaks in the world for a number of reasons. Firstly, its location in the Himalayas makes it a very easy peak to access, and secondly its height (at 5,532m/18,146ft) means that it provides stunning views of the surrounding area.

Yala Peak is also popular because it is relatively easy to climb, especially compared to other nearby peaks such as Everest or K2. This makes it a great choice for climbers of all levels of experience, from beginners to experienced mountaineers.

Finally, Yala Peak is simply a beautiful mountain, with its jagged summit and sweeping views of the valley below. It's no wonder that it continues to be one of the most popular peaks in the world year after year.

Facts Of The Trek

Particular Details
Destination Yala Peak (5732m.)
Trek Grade Strenuous
Group Size Min -1
Departure On Request
Max. Altitude 5732m.
Season Spring and Autumn
Accommodation Tented Camp
Duration 18 Days

Itinerary In Details

Days Destination
Day 01 Arrival at Kathmandu; transfer to the Hotel
Day 02 Sight seeing around Kathmandu valley
Day 03 Kathmandu – Dhunche – Syabru Besi
Day 04 Syabru Besi – khanjung – Syarpagoan
Day 05 Syarpagoan -Lama Hotel
Day 06 Lama Hotel -Langtang valley
Day 07 Langtang valley – Kyangjin Gompa
Day 08 Yala Peak Base Camp
Day 09 Base Camp – summit (Yala Peak) – return to Kanjing Gompa
Day 10 Kyangjin Gompa
Day 11 Kyangjin Gompa – Ghora Tabela
Day 12 Ghora Tabela – Syabru
Day 13 Syabru – Sing Gompa
Day 14 Sing Gompa- Gosainkunda
Day 15 Gosainkunda (4609 m) – Thare Pati
Day 16 Thare Pati – Gul Bhanjyang
Day 17 Gul Bhanjyang – Chisopani
Day 18 Chisopani – Kathmandu
Day 19 International Departure

What's Included in the Package?

What's Excluded from the Package?

The best time to climb Yala Peak

The best time to climb Yala Peak is during the spring or autumn months. The weather is generally more stable during these times of year, making for a safer and more enjoyable climb. However, if you are an experienced climber and are comfortable with taking on more challenging conditions, then you may also consider climbing Yala Peak during the winter months.

Different routes to Yala Peak

There are two main routes to the summit of Yala Peak. The first, and most popular, route is the South Ridge. This route starts from the village of Langtang and follows a series of rocky ridges to the summit. The second route is the North Ridge, which starts from the village of Dhunche and follows a more direct line to the top. Both routes are challenging, but the South Ridge is considered to be slightly more difficult.

The South Ridge route is the most popular way to summit Yala Peak. The trailhead starts in the village of Langtang, located at an elevation of 3,430 meters (11,253 feet). From Langtang, the trail follows a series of rocky ridges towards the summit. Along the way, hikers will be treated to stunning views of the Langtang Valley and its glaciers. The South Ridge route typically takes three to four days to complete.

The North Ridge route is a shorter, but more direct path to the summit of Yala Peak. The trailhead for this route is located in the village of Dhunche, situated at an elevation of 2,065 meters (6,768 feet). From Dhunche, hikers will follow a single ridge all the way to the top of Yala Peak. This route can be completed in two or three days.

What to bring when climbing Yala Peak

If you're planning on climbing Yala Peak, there are a few things you'll need to bring with you. First and foremost, you'll need a good pair of hiking boots. The terrain can be quite rocky, so make sure your boots have good traction. You'll also need to pack plenty of water and snacks, as there is no water available on the peak. A light rain jacket is also a good idea, as the weather can be unpredictable. Finally, don't forget to pack your camera! The views from the top of Yala Peak are simply breathtaking.

What to expect when reaching the summit of Yala Peak

When you finally reach the summit of Yala Peak, you will be rewarded with some of the most breathtaking views imaginable. You will see an endless carpet of snow-capped mountains, as well as the beautiful valleys and lakes below. The experience is truly unforgettable and something that you will remember for the rest of your life.

Accommodation options on Yala Peak

When it comes to accommodation on Yala Peak, there are three main options: camping, staying in a teahouse, or opting for a guided expedition.

Camping is the most popular option for those wanting to summit Yala Peak. There are plenty of spots to set up camp along the way, and it’s a great way to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area. However, camping does come with some risks – namely, the risk of altitude sickness. If you’re not used to sleeping at high altitudes, it’s best to ease your body into it by spending a few nights acclimatizing in a lower-lying area before making your way up to Yala Peak.

The second accommodation option is staying in a teahouse. Teahouses are found throughout the Nepalese Himalayas and offer simple rooms with beds and sometimes even heaters (a luxury at high altitudes!). Staying in a teahouse is a great way to meet other climbers and get tips on the best routes up the mountain. Plus, they usually have delicious food! The downside of teahouses is that they can be expensive, and they’re often located quite far from the actual climbing routes.

The third and final option for accommodation is going on a guided expedition. This is by far the most expensive option, but it does have its perks – namely, you don’t have to worry about planning and organizing the expedition yourself, as the guides will take care of all that for you. Guided expeditions also provide you with experienced sherpas who can help you tackle the more challenging sections of the climb.

Food options on Yala Peak

There are plenty of food options available on Yala Peak, so you won't go hungry during your hike. You can find everything from snacks and drinks to full meals at the restaurants and cafes along the way.

If you're looking for something quick and easy, there are plenty of vending machines and fast food outlets available. For a more substantial meal, there are also several restaurants which serve hot food. Just be sure to bring enough cash with you, as some places don't accept card payments.

And of course, don't forget to pack some snacks and drinks for the journey! There's nothing worse than getting halfway up the peak only to realise you're out of energy. A few energy bars or a bag of trail mix will help keep your energy levels up so you can enjoy the views from the top.

Different activities on Yala Peak

Yala Peak is a great place for a variety of different activities. From hiking and climbing to simply enjoying the views, there is something for everyone on Yala Peak.

Hiking and Climbing: Yala Peak is a popular destination for both hikers and climbers. The peak provides stunning views of the surrounding area, and the challenge of reaching the summit is sure to appeal to adventurous types.

Simply Enjoying the Views: Of course, you don't have to hike or climb to enjoy the views from Yala Peak. The peak is accessible by car, so you can simply drive up and take in the scenery. Whether you're enjoying the view from atop the peak or admiring it from below, there's no doubt that Yala Peak is a beautiful sight.

Tips for trekking the Yala Peak

When trekking the Yala Peak, be sure to come prepared with the proper gear and supplies. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your experience:

  • Bring plenty of water and snacks, as there are no sources of food or water along the trail.
  • Wear sturdy shoes or boots, as the trail can be rocky and slippery in places.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and watch for potential hazards, such as loose rocks or slippery areas.
  • Take your time and enjoy the scenery along the way – it’s one of the best parts of the trek!
  • Be careful when taking photos, as the trail can be narrow in places and you don’t want to disturb any wildlife.
  • Make sure to bring a map of the area, so you can keep track of where you are.
  • Start early in the day so you have plenty of time to reach the summit before nightfall.
  • Let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to return home.
  • Be prepared for any weather conditions, and pack a warm layer in case you get stuck at the summit after sunset.
  • Have fun and enjoy the experience!


    Yala Peak is truly an amazing place to visit, with its stunning views and lush greenery. It is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and just take in some fresh mountain air. With our guide, we hope that you have all the information you need to make your trip up this beautiful peak as enjoyable as possible. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start exploring Yala Peak - one step at a time!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q1 What is Yala Peak?

    Yala Peak is a mountain peak located in the Langtang region of Nepal.

    Q2 How high is Yala Peak?

    Yala Peak's altitude is 5,520 meters (18,110 feet) from sea level.

    Q3 Is climbing Yala Peak difficult?

    Climbing Yala Peak is considered a moderate technical climb and is suitable for climbers with some previous experience in mountaineering.

    Q4 What is the duration needed to ascend Yala Peak?

    The ascent typically takes 3-4 days, depending on the climber's experience and the weather conditions.

    Q5 What is the best time of year to climb Yala Peak?

    The best time to climb Yala Peak is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) when the weather is stable, and the skies are clear.

    Q6 Do I need to have previous climbing experience to climb Yala Peak?

    Yes, it is recommended that climbers have some previous mountaineering experience before attempting to climb Yala Peak.

    Q7 Is it necessary to hire a guide for climbing Yala Peak?

    It is highly recommended that climbers hire a certified guide for safety and navigation purposes.

    Q8 What is the price for ascending Yala Peak?

    The cost of climbing Yala Peak varies depending on the guide and the climbing company. 

    Q9 Is there an age limit for climbing Yala Peak?

    There is no official age limit for climbing Yala Peak. However, climbers must be physically fit and capable of the physical demands of climbing.

    Q10 What gear is required for ascending Yala Peak?

    Climbers will need technical mountaineering gear such as crampons, ice axes, and ropes, as well as warm clothing and sturdy hiking boots.

    Q11 Is it safe to climb Yala Peak?

    Climbing any mountain carries inherent risks, but with proper preparation and safety measures, climbing Yala Peak can be a safe and rewarding experience.

    Q12 Are there any health risks associated with climbing Yala Peak?

    Climbers may experience altitude sickness due to the high altitude, so it is important to acclimatize properly before attempting the ascent.

    Q13 Are there any restrictions on climbing Yala Peak?

    Climbers must obtain a permit from the Nepal Mountaineering Association to climb Yala Peak, and there may be restrictions on the number of climbers allowed on the mountain at one time.

    Q14 How do I get to Yala Peak?

    Yala Peak is located in the Langtang region of Nepal and can be reached by a combination of hiking and driving from Kathmandu.

    Q15 Can I climb Yala Peak solo?

    While it is technically possible to climb Yala Peak solo, it is not recommended due to the potential risks and challenges involved.

    Q16 Is camping allowed on Yala Peak?

    Camping is allowed on Yala Peak, and climbers will need to bring their own camping equipment.

    Q17 How many people have climbed Yala Peak?

    There is no exact count of the number of climbers who have summited Yala Peak, but it is a popular climbing destination in Nepal.

    Q18 Can I rent climbing gear in Nepal?

    Yes, there are several shops and rental companies in Nepal that offer climbing gear for rent.

    Q19 What permits do I need to climb Yala Peak?

    Climbers will need to obtain a climbing permit from the Nepal Mountaineering Association.

    Q20 What is the weather like on Yala Peak?

    The weather on Yala Peak can be unpredictable, but during the climbing season, the weather is generally stable with clear skies and moderate temperatures.

    Q21 Are there any rescue services available on Yala Peak?

    Yes, there are rescue services available on Yala Peak. Climbers should be aware of the location of the nearest rescue station and carry a means of communication, such as a satellite phone, in case of emergency.

    Q22 What is the route to climb Yala Peak?

    The most common route to climb Yala Peak is from the village of Kyanjin Gompa, following the Langtang valley and ascending via a glacier to reach the summit.

    Q23 What is the difficulty level of Yala Peak compared to other peaks in Nepal?

    Yala Peak is considered a moderate technical climb compared to other peaks in Nepal, such as Everest or Annapurna.

    Q24 Are there any cultural attractions near Yala Peak?

    The Langtang region is known for its unique culture and Buddhist heritage, with monasteries and traditional villages located throughout the area.

    Q25 Is it possible to combine a climb of Yala Peak with other treks in Nepal?

    Yes, many climbers combine a climb of Yala Peak with other treks in the Langtang region, such as the Langtang Valley Trek or the Gosainkunda Trek.